Revitalising the High Street

Research aim: Can we build social capital within one of the poorest communities in Bristol through architectural initiatives? Could the creation of an architectural vision empower the community to create better places?

THE CLIENT: Bedminster Town Team

THE TEAM: Elizabeth Apap-Bologna, Hester Au-Yeung , Dami Babalola, Abigail Baggley, Samuel Bello, Charlotte Bush, Simon Clements, Dan Courtney, Suzy Crabtree-Condor, Thomas Froggatt, Shivam Garg, Danny Harris, Al Jarratt, Daniel Jones, Aikaterini Karachaliou, Jason Keswick, Adam Kingston, Victor Martos, Emma McDermott, Flora Moraiti, Sara Neuberg, Sotiria Panagi, Thomas Paxton, Kye Pitman, James Reed, Ioannis Sakkis, Stacey Smith, Daniel Stiff, Vaidas Vileikis, Andrew Walker, Sally Wylde

Bedminister, Bristol 

September 2012 - August 2013 

University of the West of England 


Elizabeth Apap-Bologna, Hester Au-Yeung , Dami Babalola, Abigail Baggley, Samuel Bello, Charlotte Bush, Simon Clements, Dan Courtney, Suzy Crabtree-Condor, Thomas Froggatt, Shivam Garg, Danny Harris, Al Jarratt, Daniel Jones, Aikaterini Karachaliou, Jason Keswick, Adam Kingston, Victor Martos, Emma McDermott, Flora Moraiti, Sara Neuberg, Sotiria Panagi, Thomas Paxton, Kye Pitman, James Reed, Ioannis Sakkis, Stacey Smith, Daniel Stiff, Vaidas Vileikis, Andrew Walker, Sally Wylde


Rachel Sara and Elena Marco


Bedminster Town Team

The Besminter Town Team, was created as part of the Government funding for struggling high streets as part of the Portas High Street Review. They asked struggling communities to get together to find solutions to regenerate their high streets in time where internet shopping is becoming the norm. Retailers, landlords and the community in general got together to develop proposals which will help them to survive. As part of this process the Bedminster Town Team got in touch with the Master of Architecture students (March) at UWE to develop ideas to regenerate Bedminster high street as a way to build social capital within the community.

Through this ‘live’ project the architecture students have taken part in several community consultations as well as engaging with local community groups, focus groups and exhibition initiatives. This project has enriched their education and broadens the community understanding of the arts through the architectural design process. 

The students have developed a range of design proposals aim to engage the community in creating better places which will help revitalise the high street. The projects range from self-built pocket parks, light installations, densification of the high street, community cinema, recycling clothes shop, community art intervention or greening the high street.